Sleeping in an embrace brings benefits to both partners, and the positions they take during sleep are an indication of the level of couple complicity.
Every moment is precious in the life of a couple, from when you wake up in the morning to have breakfast to when you go to bed to sleep. In particular, for this circumstance, many partners love to fall asleep, embracing one another, but perhaps not everyone knows that this gesture can say a lot about a relationship.

In fact, couples who sleep together and choose physical contact not only have a more fulfilling love story than the others, but the positions they take during the night become an indication of their cooperation as a couple.
Science says it: sleeping together is good.
Sleeping embraced is not only a demonstration of affection, which can also be an indication of the couple’s level of cooperation. In fact, according to a study by the University of Hertfordshire, sleeping with your partner is good for the mental health and life of the two lovers. Those who sleep in this way find their fulfilling relationship and are happy with their sentimental sphere.
Furthermore, the presence and physical contact with someone during the night causes the level of oxytocin in the body to rise. It is the famous hormone of happiness and love, whose production immediately brings a feeling of mental well-being.
With the increase of Oxycontin, the level of cortisol is lowered, responsible, instead of anxiety and stress. This can lead to more or less serious physical illnesses, such as thyroid or related to the stomach and intestines.
Obviously, not all couples can manage to sleep embraced all night, although happy with their relationship. According to the scientific study, this would happen when the two partners have just finished making love or following a moment of particular happiness. The important thing remains that they embrace before falling asleep, to transmit security and affection to the other person.
The sleeping positions embraced
It is often thought that sleeping together is generally an indication of a good relationship and an excellent level of complicity. In fact, it is not always true. In fact, what indicates if one is a happy and harmonious relationship are the positions that the two partners take just before falling asleep.
Spoon sleep

It is probably one of the most famous positions when it comes to sleeping embraced. The English differentiate whoever embraces, defining it ” big spoon, “from who is embraced, or the ” little spoon, “usually the partner who holds the other in his arms and the one who wants to give a feeling of protection and safety, while the other person tends to be the neediest in the couple.
All this does not mean that roles can not be reversed and that, sometimes, it is the “big spoon” that needs affection and reassurance more.
Sleep crouched

In this position, one partner lying on the back and the other with her face over his chest. They both embrace each other in sleep. Those who sleep like this way must be a couple with great complicity and strong mental and physical harmony. At the base, in fact, there will be not only a sexual attraction but also a sincere and deep love.
Sleep intertwined

The two partners are both on their side and intertwine their legs and arms, holding each other tightly. Just like sleeping crouched, the “intertwined” sleeping position also denotes a strong physical and emotional connection at the couple level.
The only difference is that in this case, there could be a sometimes negative aspect. In fact, always sleeping so clasped can denote an excessive attachment between the two partners, similar to mutual jealousy and emotional dependence.
Sleeping back to back

In this case, it is not a question of sleeping together, but off sleeping together. The partners do not hug each other but usually hold the respective pillow in their arms. However, there is no lack of physical contact, which occurs at the back level.
Among all the positions, this denotes couples’ undeniable stability, probably made so by years and years of relationship and well-tested habits. The two lovers know they can always rely on each other, but understand their respective needs for independence.
Sleeping far apart

You may find yourself separated from your partner during the night, but you must understand why this happens. If before falling asleep, the couple spent a few pleasant minutes, sharing episodes that occurred during the day or just pampering and caressing, then sleeping away can be simply the sign of a mature and stable relationship, without any morbid love.
Otherwise, if the two partners were cold and detached as soon as they got into bed, then this position becomes a serious alarm bell for a couple’s dilemma.
For singles: sleep embraced on a pillow

Very often, sleeping embracing someone or something seems almost a necessity. If you don’t spend the night with another person, it often happens that you hug the pillow, and, just like the positions we have already talked about, this gesture also reveals some information about us.
Usually, when sleeping in a fetal position and clinging to the pillow, it signifies an unconscious return to the womb. It reveals the need for affection, protection, and security as if that object became a sort of a shield from nightmares or the problems of everyday life.
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